Case concerning the continental shelf : Libyan Arab Jamahiriya/Malta : application by Italy for permission to intervene : judgment of 21 March 1984=Affaire du plateau continental : Jamahiriya arabe Libyenne / Malte : requte de l' Itali a' fin d'intervention : arret du 21 Mars 1984 / Affaire du plateau continental : Jamahiriya arabe Libyenne / Malte : requte de l' Itali a' fin d'intervention : arret du 21 Mars 1984 - 161 pages ; 24 cm. - Reports of judgments : Advisory opinions and orders. .

The text is written in both english and french languages.- opposite pages numbered induplicate.- slaes numbers, 496.


Continental shelf.
International arbitration.
International conflict.
International courts.

341.5220268 / L6979