تنقيح بحثك
- Abdul Rahman
- Abu Rabah
- Aciman, Ander
- Adams, Michael
- Adams, Simon
- AlKhuli, Muhammad Ali
- Alireza, Marianne
- Allen, Fletcher
- Allen, Stephen
- Altman, Jack
- Bell, Gertrude
- Belloc, H.
- Catling, Christopher
- Duff, Douglas V.
- Fedden, Robin
- Hibbert, Christopher
- Moore, Jamie Diehm
- Phillips, Wendell
- Stark, Freya
- Tree, Christina
- عرض المزيد
- عرض أقل
Item types
- A pelican books
- A perennial classic
- A voyager book
- APA Insight Guides
- Ayo's awesome adventure in
- Ayo's awesome adventures in
- Blue guide
- Everyman's library
- Eyewitness travel guides
- Guide De Tourisme
- Harper colophan books
- Historical handbook series
- Kohinur series
- Landscape studies
- Lonely planet travel survival kit series
- Longman structural readers
- M & E Hotel Catering and tourism series
- MacMillan's guides
- National Geographic Video Library
- Oxford worlds classics
- عرض المزيد
- عرض أقل
- Africa history
- Agriculture
- Ancient history
- Arab Maghreb history
- Asia history
- Bibliography
- Biographies and Genealogy
- Christianity
- Economics
- English literature
- Europe history
- Fiction
- Geography
- History
- North America History
- Palestine history
- Political science
- Sociology
- Syria history
- Trade, communications and transportation
- عرض المزيد
- عرض أقل
المكتبات المقتنية
المكتبات الرئيسية