تنقيح بحثك
- Adam, Everett E.
- Adams, David R.
- Adeli, Hojjat
- Amidon, Gordon L.
- Anderson Companynsulting Arthur Anderson And Company
- Anderson, Jonathan
- Awad, Elias M.
- Bandyopadhyay, S.
- Dennis, Alan
- George, Joey F.
- Glover, J. Duncan
- Hoffer, Jeffrey A.
- Kendall, Julie E.
- Kendall, Kenneth E.
- Overbye, Thomas J.
- Roth, Roberta M.
- Stallings, William
- Tanenbaum, Andrew S.
- Valacich, Joseph S.
- Wixom, Barbara Haley
- عرض المزيد
- عرض أقل
Item types
- A Wiley-Interscience
- ACS Proffessional Reference Book
- Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series
- Addison-Wesley series in electrical engineering
- Cambridge computer science texts
- Galgotia computer textbook series
- Macmillan computer science series
- Macmillan new electronics series
- Management advisory publication series on computer security , auditing and controls
- McGraw-Hill series in management information systems
- Shelly Cashman series
- The Benjamin Cummings seires in artificial intellegence
- The Dryden press series in information systems
- The irwin series in information and decision sciences
- Wiley series in computing
- lecture notes in control and information sciences
- عرض المزيد
- عرض أقل
المكتبات المقتنية
المكتبات الرئيسية